
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Time is welcome to slow down any time now. 

I feel like my girls are growing up into little women before my very eyes.

Hayden LOVES preschool. Her teacher assures us that she is a great girl and that she is very kind and very bright.  We already knew that though, right? ;-)  This kid never stops asking questions, never stops thinking - pretty much just plain NEVER STOPS.  I love her to bits and pieces.  Sometimes I swear that she is a 40 year old trapped in a not-even-4-year-old's body. LOL

Carly Kate is not a baby anymore and she wants everyone to know it.  She chose to leave our bed and started sleeping upstairs in her own room a few weeks ago.  She hadn't ever slept up there before that, but she decided that it was time and she hasn't looked back.  I must say that her daddy and I were surprisingly less ready than she was for that transition. We liked our little co-sleeper right there and ready for snuggling.  Now she seems so far away, sleeping all the way upstairs.  But, as she is quick to announce, she isn't a baby anymore and only babies sleep with their parents.

She has also jumped on board the Potty Train and not looked back.  Even when a kid is doing great with potty training (and she is) the whole thing is just mentally exhausting for her parents.  LOL Having to ask over and over if she has to go, to remind over and over that she isn't wearing a diaper, cleaning up the occasional accident - it is pretty draining at times, but she is well on her way to being diaper free.  She is the most independent, iron-willed. fearless little thing that I have ever met.  She is doing EVERYTHING her own way and on her own schedule. Whatever you do, please don't tell her that she can fight it all she wants, but she will always be MY baby.

We found a few hours this last weekend to take them to the pumpkin patch. They had so much fun. It is neat now that they are both older to see them enjoy things together. They are like little partners now and they like having adventures together. Daddy and I also feel like we are able to try anything the world throws at us because we aren't lugging around strollers or stopping to nurse or sitting ut with a little one while the big one is busy doing "big girl" things. The family dynamic is really cool now that there is truly no babies in our house.  So I guess there are up-sides to them being older.... ;-)

So as you can see, time is marching on around here. Maybe someday I will have a minute to do more blogging than just a quick update and a huge photo dump.  ...   Like maybe when my kids are 25? Haha.  Hopefully before then.  But for now, this will do.  Afterall, making little girls into women is a full time (and then some) job.  They will be 25 before I know it. :-)

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