
Monday, December 20, 2010

Snow Day

My husband LOVES the snow.  He especially loves building a snowman For as long as we have been together, if there is snow on the ground, my "big kid" is out there, rolling and stacking, shoveling and scraping - he is coming in the house, asking me  for a scarf and a carrot and  asking what I think we should use for eyes.  He just loves to play in the snow.

So imagine his excitment this year, when over the course of Friday and Friday night, we were sprinkled with several inches of snow, and he wasn't the only kid in the house!  We bundled up the HootOwl and we all went out front to get the job done.

We agreed that this was indeed the best Frosty we have ever had! Sadly, our snow was all gone as fast as it came, and by Saturday evening Frosty met the untimely end of all Frosties before him, and melted away.  He will forever be remembered as The World's Finest Snowman EVER!!

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